Large doses of Hormone Prednisolone Tablets may lead to diabetes. Hormone Prednisolone Tablets 5mg is mainly used for allergic and autoimmune inflammatory disease, collagenosis, such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, serious bronchus asthma, nephrotic syndrome, thrombocytopenic purpura, granulosa cells reduce disease, acute lymphoid leukemia.
Drug Name
Generic name. Prednisolone Tablets
English name. Prednisolone Tablets
Hormone Prednisolone Tablets Indications
It is mainly used for allergic and autoimmune inflammatory disease, collagenosis, such as rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, serious bronchus asthma, nephrotic syndrome, thrombocytopenic purpura, granulosa cells reduce disease, acute lymphoid leukemia.
Hormone Prednisolone Tablets Adverse Reactions
Large doses may cause diabetes
Hormone Prednisolone Tablets Adverse Reactions Contraindications
1. Tuberculosis (TB), when it is applied in patients with acute bacterial or viral infection, must give the proper anti-infection treatment.
2. After long-term medication, when stopped the drug should be gradually reduced.
3. Diabetes, osteoporosis, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney function, low thyroid function of patients with caution.
Quality Standard
10 x 10 tablets/box