
Amoxicillin & Bromhexine garing Sirop

Pondok Description:

  • FOB Harga: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 100 Piece / Potongan
  • Suplai Kamampuhan: 10000 Piece / Potongan per Bulan
  • Port: Tianjin atawa Shanghai port
  • Sarat pembayaran: T / T, L / C, Duit gram, Western Union
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    Amoxicillin Bubuk for Oral Suspension 250mg/5 ml kasimpulan. Bromhexine nyaeta suitable pikeun bronchitis kronis, asma na ropy of sputum nuju kana hésé batuk nepi. Bromhexine bisa langsung pangaruh dina kelenjar bronchial, ngagancangkeunrelease lisosom tinasél secretory mukosa. Hijisanyawa ngahambat lso of acidoglycoprotein dinakelenjar lendir sartasél goblet,lead to secretion of viscosity lower small molecule glycoproteins, thus reduce the viscosity of sputum, easy to expectorate.In addition, also can stimulate the gastric mucosa lead to increase of respiratory gland secretion, dilution sputum.

    obat Ngaran

    Generic name. Amoxicillin & Bromhexine garing Sirop

    English name. Amoxicillin & Bromhexine garing Sirop

    Amoxicillin & Bromhexine Sirop garingindikasi

    indikasi Amoxicillin

    Cocog jeung baktéri sénsitip (moal ngahasilkeun galur béta lactamase) ngakibatkeun inféksi tina handap.

    1. hemolytic streptococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, atawa haemophilus influenzae nuju kana média otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, infeksi saluran pernapasan luhur.

    2. E. coli, Proteus tunggal atawa enterococcus dung disababkeun ku inféksi saluran kemih.

    3. hemolytic streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, atanapi e. kalungguhan coli inféksi jaringan kulit lemes.

    4. The hemolytic streptococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, or haemophilus influenzae lead to acute bronchitis, pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections.

    5. Acute gonorrhea uncomplicated.

    6. produk ieu bisa dipaké dina pengobatan muriang typhoid, carrier typhoid na leptospirosis.

    indikasi Bromhexine

    Suitable for chronic bronchitis, asthma and ropy of sputum lead to difficult to cough up 

    Amoxicillin & Bromhexine Dry Syrup  Poto Produk

    Amoxicillin & Bromhexine gantung

    Amoxicillin na Bromhexine garing Sirop

    Amoxicillin & Bromhexine Sirop

    Amoxicillin & Bromhexine garing Sirop

    Amoxicillin & Bromhexine garing Sirop



    Amoxicillin + Bromhexine garing Sirop

    250 mg + 8 mg

    Standar kualitas



    1 bottle/box, 10 bottles/cellophane or as your requirement





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